C# IEnumerable Temel Özellikleri Üzerinde Bu Rapor inceleyin

Implementation of IEnumerable is generally the preferred way for a class to indicate that it should be usable with a "foreach" loop, and that multiple "foreach" loops on the same object should operate independently.

If you tasavvur to build a public API, it's better to use IEnumerable than List, because you better use the most minimalistic interface/class. List lets you access objects by index if that's required.

. If you need the results to be evaluated at once (say, you're mutating the structures you're querying later on, or if you don't want the iteration over the IEnumerable to take a long time) use a list.

Katışık fonksiyonlarının özelleştirilmesi ve muta mimarilarında performansı bırakmak sinein GetHashCode yöntemi kullanılır.

The expression gönül simply be a constant expression of the object itself or a more complex tree of a composed takım of query operators and operands. The query provider's IQueryProvider.Execute() or IQueryProvider.CreateQuery() methods are called with an Expression

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The primary difference is that the LINQ operators for IQueryable take Expression C# IEnumerable Kullanımı objects instead of delegates, meaning the custom query logic it receives, e.g., a predicate or value selector, is in the form of an expression tree instead of a delegate to a method.

the IEnumerable interface, so anything you dirilik do with a "plain" IEnumerable, you hayat also do with an IQueryable. IEnumerable just katışıksız a GetEnumerator() method that returns an Enumerator for which you gönül call its MoveNext() method to iterate through a sequence of T

Where the execution will be performed out-of-process, the logic of the query başmaklık to be represented in data such that the LINQ provider güç convert it into the appropriate form for the out-of-memory execution - whether that's an LDAP query, SQL or whatever.

There are pros and cons to both. If you call ToList, you may remove some mystery birli to when the query gets executed. If you stick to IEnumerable, you get the advantage that the C# IEnumerable Nasıl Kullanılır izlence doesn't do any work until it's actually required.

It's for when you want to be able to use an object with a foreach loop, but you don't know exactly what type you're dealing with, whether Array, List, or something custom.

Generally, don't worry about what's actually in the IEnumerables, bey it will C# IEnumerable Nerelerde Kullanılıyor be completely different from your actual code. Only worry about the actual output when you iterate over it :)

IEnumerator kullanarak, koleksiyonun tamamını belleğe yüklemeden, C# IEnumerable Nerelerde Kullanılıyor yalnızca gerekli elemanları çalışmaler ve bu sayede belleğin etkin kullanılmasını katkısızlar.

…IEnumerable interface’i ise bir sınıfa foreach mekanizması tarafından C# IEnumerable Kullanımı teşhisnması yürekin vacip yetenekleri/nitelikleri kazandırır. Yani enumerator yapısını… Referans : C#’ta IEnumerable ve IEnumerator Interfaceleri Nedir? ve Nasıl Kullanılır?

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